Hospital engineers get to grips with Aquilion LB

Taking part in an Aquilion LB hospital engineers training course at Nottingham City Hospital are Toshiba senior product specialist Steve Bird, Raigmore Hospital engineers Fraser Walker and Ian Foster, Nottingham City Hospital radiotherapy services manager Russell Hart and Royal Shrewsbury Hospital engineer Ron Shaw.


Following several months of planning, Toshiba Medical Systems held its first Aquilion LB hospital engineers training course at a customer site.  Nottingham City Hospital hosted the course with engineers from Raigmore Hospital and Royal Shrewsbury Hospital joining the training in first-line maintenance and repair on a system similar to Aquilion LB installations in their own radiotherapy departments.


The decision to hold an on-site course for a group of hospital engineers is part of Toshiba’s commitment to co-operative contracts with hospitals.  At the end of the training attendees felt confident that they would be able to perform routine tasks and fault finding and would be able to provide the necessary uptime support to their department, while keeping costs to a minimum.


See the full report on page 13 of the April 2012 issue of RAD Magazine.




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