Incoming SCoR president calls for ‘togetherness’

The incoming president of the Society and College of Radiographers is calling for improved multi-disciplinary working between medics and health professionals.
Sandie Mathers, a researcher for NHS Grampian and a radiographer at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, said at her inauguration: “The keyword is ‘team’ not each professional group working within their own boundaries for their own betterment, but truly working in partnership to provide effective services.
“If conflict exists, this must be addressed and solutions found, not ignored and left to fester as this only makes the situation worse.
“Radiography has moved on and radiographers are no longer the handmaidens mopping the fevered brow,” she continued.
“Radiographers and radiologists need to come together, pull together and work together in order to provide a service for the most important people who come through our doors every day.”
See the full report on page 4 of the August 2010 issue of RAD Magazine.