Senior cross-sectional radiographer Tammy Clark, radiology care group manager Debbie Jones, CT superintendent Mike Kirk, Siemens Healthcare regional sales manager John Brady, consultant radiologists Dr David Hinwood and Dr Sian Robbins and senior radiographer Susan Boyd.
Following an increase in patient referrals, Royal Shrewsbury Hospital has expanded its CT provision. To improve patient experience and streamline services the hospital decided to add another imaging system to its CT department and upgrade an existing one, resulting in the installation of a Somatom Definition AS+ 128-slice CT system and the planned installation of a Definition AS 64-slice CT system from Siemens Healthcare.
“We were conducting 50 to 60 scans per day on the previous system, and made the decision to expand our CT facilities to streamline workflow and provide additional services,” said CT superintendent Mike Kirk. “Previously, inpatients could wait up to 24 hours for a scan, but this has been reduced by separating inpatients and outpatients on two scanners sharing a control room.”
See the full report on page 6 of the October 2015 issue of RAD Magazine.