Pictured are senior radiographer Liz Hobbs, deputy superintendent Claire Barkell, MIS Healthcare product manager Tony Vaquer, senior radiographer Wendy Pearce and student radiographer Kiran Pervais.
MIS Healthcare has delivered a Vimap Technologies CO2 colon insufflator to Luton and Dunstable Hospital for use in CT colonography.
Radiology manager Barbara Turner said: “We are delighted to have taken delivery of the insufflator and have been using it for several months with success. It is very user friendly, safe for the patient and, with minimal training, has resulted in improved images through better colon distension and visualisation. The radiographers have confidence that the colon has been adequately distended and the resulting images are of a superior quality.”
See the full report on page 22 of the February 2012 issue of RAD Magazine.