Irish first with vascular lab installation

Picture, from left, are Philips Healthcare Ireland account manager David Murphy, general manager Larry Keaveney and field service engineer Sean Foley with Galway Clinic HCA Thomas Madden, staff nurse Rebecca Kerr, theatre sister Laura Chambers, staff nurse Yvonne Lynch, consultant vascular and endovascular surgeon and honorary senior lecturer Sherif Sultan, clinic ceo/director James Sheehan, senior radiographer Caren Lynch, radiology manager Evelyn Smyth, vascular registrar Niamh Hynes and theatre manager Sinead Hanley.
Philips Healthcare has partnered with Galway Clinic to install the world’s first production list system of the Allura Xper FD with FlexMove. The installation in the operating room delivers a state-of-the-art imaging system with fully integrated OR table, laminar air flow and theatre layouts.
At the launch, consultant vascular and endovascular surgeon Sherif Sultan said: “The system has afforded us the opportunity to expand the scope of our practice and treat any vessel from the supra-aortic trunk at the patient’s head to the dorsalis pedis in the foot. The potential for endovascular structural heart repair, visceral artery techniques and innovative aortic repairs is immense.
See the full report on page 10 of the November 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.