Siemens Healthcare regional sales manager Malcolm Pickering hands over an Aera to Royal Marsden Foundation Trust lead MRI superintendent radiographer Erica Scurr.
Royal Marsden Foundation Trust has installed a Magnetom Aera 1.5 Tesla MRI system from Siemens Healthcare in its Sutton site. It is being used for a wide range of clinical imaging including brain, spine, abdominal, pelvic and breast procedures, with plans to expand its use to MRI-guided intervention in the future. Located in the department of radiology, the system will operate alongside an existing Siemens Magnetom Avanto 1.5 Tesla.
The Aera’s advanced post-processing abilities automate many processes, assisted by the Total imaging matrix and Day optimising throughput technology, helping to increase efficiencies and enhance workflow.
See the full report on page 11 of the February 2012 issue of RAD Magazine.