Kent and Sussex set for the future

The Axiom Luminos dRF at Kent and Sussex Hospital. Advanced practitioner Anthony Richards with Siemens regional sales manager Clive West.
Kent and Sussex Hospital, part of Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust, has installed an Axiom Luminos dRF digital system from Siemens Healthcare.
It is being used for examinations that combine fluoroscopy and radiography, particularly for patients undergoing barium enemas and barium swallows. The hospital has also ordered the Wi-D (wireless detector) upgrade so that the adaptable system can be used for general radiography procedures, adding more options to achieve workload targets.
The system produces high quality digital images using the lowest possible dose of radiation and is described as “a future proof solution” that can be easily upgraded for wider clinical application.
The Luminos system cuts the training time required for radiographers with an easy-to-follow interface. Transfer positions are programmed to take place automatically to reduce the need for extra work.
See the full report on page 18 of the November 2009 issue of RAD Magazine.