Logiq E9 deliveries to Middlesex


At West Middlesex Hospital are sonographer Giulia Kit, GE Healthcare ultrasound sales specialist Jayesh Odedra, consultant radiologist Dr Suzanne Wakely, senior sonographer Siew Stokes and superintendent sonographer Jotshna Rattan.


GE Healthcare has delivered an additional four Logiq E9 ultrasound systems to West Middlesex Hospital to complement the one already in use.


The Logiq E9 features technology to allow a wide range of imaging and is said to be proving a popular choice for radiology ultrasound imaging.  It has a wide range of tools such as Volume Navigation that allows the user to do more in superficial and abdominal applications, and the Fusion tool to allow the user to merge real-time ultrasound with previously acquired CT, MR or ultrasound images to directly compare lesions.


See the full report on page 7 of the July issue of RAD Magazine.

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