Low dose, high quality imaging for Lincoln


Toshiba account executive John Hutchings and CT applications specialist Mark Condron with imaging assistant Ruth Aitchison Boundy, senior radiographer CT Ellen Compton, CT superintendent radiographer Richard Thomas, radiographer Adam Jones, clinical director Dr Steven Hogg and clinical imaging assistant  Ricky Greensmith.


The Toshiba Aquilion CX scanner’s high-speed rotation mechanism and the fast reconstruction unit are now ensuring that Lincoln County Hospital patients can be diagnosed with the lowest dose and highest possible image quality.


The multislice helical CT system provides 128 slices acquisition at 0.5 mm slice thickness per rotation for whole-body scanning and employs the ConeXact reconstruction algorithm to generation 128 slices in a single rotation.


The 0.5 mm detector element technology acquires true isotropic images with 0.35 mm z axis resolution and the comprehensive dose management package ensures the lowest exposure dose across any scanning area.


Lincoln County Hospital is part of The United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, which was formed in April 2000 by the merger of three former acute hospital trusts in Lincolnshire, creating one of the largest trusts in the country. 


See the full report on page 10 of the March 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.

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