Marie Stopes Clinics invest to update services

Marie Stopes International (MSI) ultrasound coordinator Julie Stacey, MIS Healthcare clinical applications specialist Rajinder Purewal, south account manager David Locke and MSI Bristol centre clinical lead Tshake Dube.
In the UK, Marie Stopes International has a network of nine centres and is run as a private not-for-profit organisation working with the NHS, providing many ultrasound scans each year. These scans are offered in confidence for family planning decisions.
Following discussions with key members of Marie Stopes, MIS Healthcare identified a solution to replace old equipment and bring services up to the best standards. MIS Healthcare put forward a solution centred on the laptop portable MySono U5 Scanner from Samsung Medison and comprehensive training, support and service. During 2011 more than 20 systems were installed at the nine UK centres, with more due in 2012.
See the full report on page 28 of the January 2012 issue of RAD Magazine.