Mercy Ships patients benefit from addition of 3D images

Radiology equipment company Future Medical Equipment wanted to help charity Mercy Ships and found the ideal solution upon learning that a GE LightSpeed VCT Pro32 CT scanner onboard the vessel Africa Mercy could not perform 3D volume rendering.

Procurement director Leon Parsons explained: “Here at Future Medical we purchase used diagnostic imaging equipment so we were able to donate a 3D workstation for the GE LightSpeed VCT, which would provide vital support to radiology staff onboard Africa Mercy. We were delighted to help and enable this incredible charity to provide life-changing medical care in places where there is basic, or no, surgical provision.”

Senior radiology technologist and hospital support services manager on Africa Mercy Martha Henderson said: “The introduction of the 3D Advantage Workstation has enabled greater visualisation of the complex cases that we encounter onboard. The 3D images are sent to the PACS server so that they can be viewed throughout the entire hospital. Surgeons onboard can use the images as part of pre-operative assessment and planning.”

The workstation gives the opportunity for 3D images across many specialities, particularly maxillofacial but also urology. In the case pictured above a CT scan of the head and neck was performed with contrast to assess the anatomy and disease spread. It was reported via teleradiology by radiologists in Canada and identified as likely to be cystic ameloblastoma. The patient was operated on and a 3.9kg mass was removed.

Lead picture: Senior radiology technologist and hospital support services manager, UK, Martha Henderson and senior biomedical technician, Canada, Larry Hewitt. Photo courtesy of Mercy Ships/Gedeon Lamah.

Published on page 24 of the July 2019 issue of RAD Magazine.

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