X-ray nurse Eithne O’Mahony, clinical specialist radiographer Madeline Foley, lead interventional radiologist Dr Adrian Brady, Siemens Healthcare regional account manager Helen Calvey, applications specialist Ian Taylor and Siemens customer service account manager Pat O’Donnell at the Mercy University Hospital, Cork.
Mercy University Hospital Cork has boosted its imaging facilities with the installation of an Artis zee multipurpose interventional angiography system from Siemens Healthcare.
Lead interventional radiologist Dr Adrian Brady said: “Bringing the Artis zee into service has significantly improved the quality and versatility of IR imaging for our patients, substantially enhancing our capabilities in vascular and non-vascular interventional radiology. Applications such as Dynavision allow us to achieve superb diagnostic angiography, and plan complicated vascular interventions more quickly than before, using less contrast and with a lower risk of nephrotoxicity.”
See the full report on page 20 of the January 2012 issue of RAD Magazine.