Mobile mammography help for Barnet

On the steps of the mammo trailer at Barnet are (from left) Sylvia Day, Melanie Griffin and Maureen Turnbull.
Canute International Medical Services provided an interim mobile service to Barnet NHS Trust during the refurbishment of a mammography room. It was the first contract for the CSC-built trailer, which houses an Hologic Selenia FFDM from MIS Healthcare, and provided support to the trust whilst CIMS’ new dedicated turnkey team carried out the pre-installation works.
Sarah Munford, radiology business manager of Barnet NHS Trust, commented: “The interim digital mobile unit provided the perfect solution for the trust to continue its screening service during the four week period the room was out of action and we are delighted with the overall service provided.
“It has the added benefit of allowing us to use the same equipment being installed in the refurbished mammography room.”
Sharon Cooper, business development manager for CIMS, agreed: The mobile interim service proved a huge success. The trailer allows for a seamless transition to the new equipment whilst maintaining the service to patients.’
See this report on the front page of the January 2010 issue of RAD Magazine.