MR study day focuses on contrast free imaging


Course participants and Toshiba personnel pose for a picture during the MRI study day at the Greenway in Cheltenham.


Toshiba Medical Systems held an MRI Study Day for users at an Elizabethan Manor in the Cotswolds.


Rakesh Puni, superintendent radiographer at the Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, started the day with a presentation on ‘MRI angiography using FBI – a gadolinium-free technique’.  Toshiba’s fresh blood imaging (FBI) is an MR-angio technique that does not use any contrast media and is an ideal alternative for conventional MR angiography techniques, which require contrast media.  This was one of the factors in the Heart of England’s choice of a Toshiba MR scanner.  


Completed feedback forms all ranked the day as very good or excellent, with attendees commenting that they found it a very positive, informative event.   In particular, the opportunity to meet other users was much appreciated.  Janine Sparkes, superintendent radiographer at Neath Port Talbot Hospital, commented, “The talks were very interesting; we are going to try a peripheral angio this week and I am going to see if I can persuade our body radiologist to try a DWI scan on the rectum.”  


Matthew Stork, managing director of Toshiba Medical Systems UK, who was also present, said: “All the feedback indicates that the exchange of information in an informal setting is equally as important as the actual programme itself.  Many of our customers left saying that they would be trying new gadolinium-free angiography techniques”.


See the full report on page 32 of the January 2010 issue of RAD Magazine.

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