Much more auto in latest MRI scanners

Pictured at the Magnetom launch are (from left) Siemens MR Product Manager Jane Kilkenny and Charing Cross Hospital MRI Physicist Rebecca Quest with Siemens UK Sector md and cluster lead NW Europe Gunter Dombrowe and Spire Leeds Hospital MRI Team Leader Susan Downing.


Today’s healthcare environment is facing increasing difficulties with fewer staff, less reimbursement and less time.  To power productivity, Siemens Healthcare has launched two new MRI systems and a software tool for the pre-processing of clinical images.


The Magnetom Aera 1.5 Tesla and Magnetom Skyra 3 Tesla MRI systems have faster, more efficient patient throughput with the potential to gain 30 per cent more productivity per day. 


Tim (Total imaging matrix) technology supplies power for the generation of image quality and Dot (Day optimising throughput), a new workflow engine, offers guidance and automated workflows to help standardise complex MRI examinations, irrespective of patient condition or radiographer resource level available.


syngo.via is the new software solution for multi-modality image reporting.  It pulls together clinical images for interpretation and automatically pre-processes according to condition-specific requirements, in one click. 


Says Siemens: “This reduction in manual steps enables time efficiencies of in excess of 10 minutes per case, optimises cost ownership inside the health environment and delivers continuous return on investment.”


See the full report on pages 1 and 2 of the April 2010 issue of RAD Magazine.

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