Philips Healthcare former DXR applications specialist Anne Belcher, radiographer Michelle Swinburne, former radiology manager Pat Ellarby (seated), Philips Healthcare account manager Gary Bailey, on-site lead radiology operational manager Sue Deacon and radiographer Anthony Mabini.
Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital has acquired a Philips DigitalDiagnost Flex wireless digital x-ray system which has cable-free handling suited to achieving difficult views. The portable detector for fixed and free examinations is said to be cost-effective, offering expanding flexibility.
On hand to open the new room was former radiology manager Pat Ellerby, who worked for 40 years at the hospital and has just retired for the second time.
Medical imaging manager and acting professional lead Bill Langley said: “We went out to tender for the new equipment and our radiographers unanimously selected the Philips system. They particularly liked the WiFi detector and table movements.”
See the full report on page 20 of the April 2014 issue of RAD Magazine.