Welcoming the first Somatom Definition Flash situated outside of London are (from left) Siemens md Gunter Dombrowe, CT product manager Russell Lodge, emeritus professor Adrian Dixon, and associate director of operations for investigative sciences and cancer at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Liz Hunt.
Addenbrooke’s Hospital, part of Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, has unveiled the first Somatom Definition Flash situated outside of London. Set to enhance cardiac services, the state-of-the-art CT will offer faster, more accurate diagnoses.
Funding for the system came from a combination of NHS funding and a donation through Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust.
Says Siemens: “With the ability to present images in a flash at the lowest dose, the Definition Flash will yield exciting possibilities both for routine scanning and research applications at Addenbrooke’s. Furthermore, the speed and image quality of the system will enable the hospital to offer CT coronary angiograms to patients using the latest technology.”
See the full report on page 26 of the January 2010 issue of RAD Magazine.