Nuffield Hospitals £2m upgrade

Grosvenor Hospital, Chester radiology manager Clare Jamieson scans a patient on the mobile unit using the GE Senographe Essential.


Nuffield Health has completed a £2 million digital mammography upgrade at 12 hospitals across the country and has plans to install units at four more. The UK’s largest healthcare charity has deployed full-field digital units from GE and Hologic.


The project is part of a £50 million investment in new and upgraded radiology systems and follows the introduction earlier this year of a mobile digital mammography service.


“We consulted our radiologists and radiographers and, although cost is always a consideration, user familiarity and preference also influenced our purchasing decisions”, said John Dickinson, national radiology manager of Nuffield Health Diagnostics.


“Our digital mammography service is part of a drive to open a new era in women’s health which includes offering a self-referral option for some women who want to check on their own health”.


A full report is published on page 3 of the February 2009 issue of RAD Magazine.

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