Orthopaedic package is appreciated by Blackpool Victoria Hospital

In front are Siemens Healthcare regional sales manager Philip Tesh, superintendent radiographer and GI reporting radiographer Elaine Scarles, radiographers Ashton Heslin and Jennifer Edwards, advanced practitioner Mehjabin Johnston-Patel and radiographer Lauren Jones. Behind are senior radiographer Chris Jackson and radiographers Amelia Ankers and Anthony Farnaby.

Blackpool Victoria Hospital has been able to increase patient throughput with the installation of five Ysio x-ray systems from Siemens Healthcare.  Two of the systems have been installed in the accident and emergency department, with a further two in the outpatient department.  These are performing orthopaedic procedures such as spine and leg alignment work.  A fifth Ysio is in use in the hospital’s cardiac department.

“The trust undertook an evaluation of many other products as well as visiting other hospitals to gain the feedback of peers using the systems,” said radiology clinical manager Lesley Stanney. “The overwhelming conclusion was that Ysio would be the best fit for our hospital.

“The orthopaedic package is so much easier for radiographers to use.  The high resolution image quality is superb and we have been able to increase throughput, which has led to an increase in capacity.”

See full report on page 30 of the March 2015 issue of RAD Magazine.

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