Preparation is key for smooth installation

Future Medical installed a Fujifilm FDR Visionary Suite at Crosshouse University Hospital.

Crosshouse University Hospital in Kilmarnock, Scotland, has received a Fujifilm FDR Visionary Suite, installed by the Future Medical team.  Some time was spent pre-staging x-ray systems at the Future Medical warehouse in preparation for the installation and connection of the imaging equipment.

The team checked and packed the imaging machines ready to be transferred to the hospital in Scotland and, on their arrival, installed the Visionary Suite ready for calibration.

Future Medical engineer Stephen Gregory explained: “The key to any installation is preparation; we always ensure that we have inspected the site prior to taking the new equipment.  This enables us to organise the least disruptive route in to the hospital and then we know what to expect when we get there so we don’t have any delays.”

See the full report on page 23 of the July 2018 issue of RAD Magazine.

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