Reduced scanning times help with paediatric patients

Advanced paediatric radiographer Melanie Fletcher, GE Healthcare MICT zone clinical leader Jackie Bye, CT sales specialist Kim Owen, principal radiographer CT/MRI Moira Perrins, advanced paediatric radiographer Mark Price and radiology professional manager Thomas Lowbridge.

Birmingham Children’s Hospital has installed a Discovery CT750 HD CT scanner from GE Healthcare.  Built on the award winning LightSpeed platform with balanced system design, the system offers advances in CT scanner coverage, speed, resolution, dose management, and clinical performance.

Principal radiographer CT/MRI Moira Perrins said: “The Discovery CT750 HD allows us to greatly reduce the dose to our patients with the use of Veo and ASiR, which is extremely important as we only scan paediatrics.  The reduced scan times are very beneficial when we have mobile patients on the table.  We can now also provide a cardiac CT service with gated CT scanning.”

See the full report on page 11 of the August 2015 issue of RAD Magazine.

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