Standing are Philips Healthcare business manager, CT, Derek Tarrant, Philips customer services engineer Daniel Boniface, UK Navy Surgeon Commander Dr David Gay, DES Ships CSS IPT technical superintendent cluster support team Nick Cowan and UK Navy Surgeon Commander Dr Philip Coates. Seated on the couch are Philips project manager Cath Sellwood and international key account manager Paul Cropper.
As part of its recent refit, Royal Navy Ship RFA Argus has acquired the world’s first 64-slice CT scanner in a mobile vessel, according to Philips. As part of the challenging installation, the Philips Ingenuity CT 64 scanner, was craned in through the hold, with a path cut through the ship to the designated site and the ship’s walls re-sealed afterwards. Once her refit is complete, RFA Argus is expected to return to sea later this year.
The principal role of RFA Argus is to serve as a primary casualty receiving facility. There is a fully equipped 100-bed hospital on board, offering a four-bay operating theatre, a 10-bed critical care unit, a 20-bed high dependency unit and now a the CT scanner.
See the full report on page 31 of the September 2013 issue of RAD Magazine.