Risk of complications during breast biopsy reduced


At Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust with a Faxitron Bioptics CoreVision are senior radiographer Hannah Frutgniet, advanced practitioner radiographer Julie Scudder, senior radiographer Jacquie Taylor, consultant radiologist Dr Annette Jones and breast lead consultant radiologist Dr Sarah McWilliams.  


The breast imaging unit at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, has acquired a Faxitron Bioptics CoreVision system for sampling biopsy specimens during interventional breast procedures for the diagnosis of breast cancer.


The system is located in the mammography examination room where specimen images are displayed on a monitor within seconds of being x-rayed, allowing examination times to be kept to a minimum.


Advanced practitioner radiographer Julie Scudder said: “Before acquiring this system, biopsy samples were taken to another mammography room to be x-rayed, which caused a delay in the examination process.


“Having the CoreVision system in the examination room with the patient has reduced examination times by at least 10 minutes each.  This has greatly improved the patients’ experience, and helped reduce the risk of potential complications such as bleeding and haematoma.” 


See the full report on page 32 of the April 2012 issue of RAD Magazine.


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