Solihull introduces digital biopsies for mammo

Lead mammographer Karen Sanford, SPR Vanessa Palmer and senior radiographer Loreta Almoguera.
The x-ray department at Solihull Hospital has installed the latest Bioptics digital specimen radiography system.
Lead mammographer Karen Sanford explained: “We wanted to be able to image our core biopsy specimens in a device intended for this purpose. After considering alternatives, we chose the Bioptics for the quality of the images it produces and the simplicity of its operation. It has proved to be very reliable and popular with staff. The one button operation couldn’t be easier and the QA in the morning is simple.”
The Bioptics is linked to the trust’s PACS system enabling reports for theatre specimens to be transmitted quickly.
See the full report on page 9 of the April 2010 issue of RAD Magazine.