SonoSite at Tunbridge Wells

Dr Richard Griffiths with a SonoSite M-Turbo system.


Hospitals in Tunbridge Wells are using SonoSite’s S-Nerve and M­Turbo point-of-care ultrasound systems for regional anaesthesia and pain management.


Dr Richard Griffiths, consultant anaesthetist and consultant in pain management at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust, explained: “The beauty of ultrasound is that, for many techniques, x­ray is no longer required.  It is also a single operator technique, with the associated cost savings.”


“SonoSite systems are very intuitive.  In addition to performing regional nerve blocks, I use ultrasound for pain management techniques, to image caudal epidurals and sacroiliac injections and will be extending this to include more advanced techniques in the spine.”


See this report on page 12 of the April 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.

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