Advanced practitioner Ann Hampshaw with Toshiba applications specialist Dawn Ingham, advanced practitioner Alina Robertshaw, applications specialist Karen Michaels and advanced practitioner Sonia Kumari. Seated are Rachael Bass and (right) Amy Padgham, both advanced practitioners in ultrasound.
Toshiba Medical Systems held a training day at Calderdale Royal Hospital for users of its Aplio XG ultrasound system.
Last year, the trust purchased two Aplio XGs, one as a replacement system at the Calderdale and the other for a new service recently opened at Todmorden, a ÂŁ600K health centre serving residents of Todmorden, the Upper Calder Valley and surrounding areas.
The Aplio XG is Toshiba’s flagship ultrasound system with a host of features to satisfy the most robust imaging requirements.
Ann Hampshaw, advanced practitioner in ultrasound, commented: “We have been really pleased with the image quality.”
Toshiba marketing manager Stuart Mills said: “The aim of the training day was to ensure that users are proficient with all the advanced features, particularly those used in their daily routines.”
See the full report on page 28 of the November 2009 issue of RAD Magazine.