Two axes at once in a single spin

Philips key account manager Andy Bell, senior staff nurse Karen Litherland, superintendent radiographer John Bowles, angio team lead James Heppenstall, consultant cardiologist and clinical director Dr Stephen Campbell, Philips CV modality sales specialist Simon Wilsdon and senior staff nurse Sarah Fisher.
The South Yorkshire Cardiothoracic Centre at the Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, is one of only four sites worldwide to have the latest innovation from Philips Healthcare in cardiovascular imaging.
Allura XperSwing provides a unique twist on rotational angiography to reduce x-ray dose and contrast agent for the patient. This dual-axis rotational angiography system features a rotating C-arm that follows a curved trajectory on two axes at once, allowing all desired anatomical views to be imaged in a single run.
John Bowles, angio superintendent radiographer at the Northern General says: “We felt that the 3D software would be a major benefit when trying to delineate bifurcation lesions in complex multi-vessel coronary interventions.”
See the full report on page 28 of the October 2009 issue of RAD Magazine.