With a Siemens Biograph mCT at Ninewells Hospital are (from left) principal physicist NM Clare Monaghan, principal physicist PET Glen Gardner, specialist technician Trish Murray, lead technician PET Dawn Barrie, section manager NM Sheila Batchelor; molecular imaging product specialist at Siemens Healthcare Scott Taylor and consultant physicist NM Norman Kennedy.
Ninewells Hospital in Dundee has installed one of the first Biograph mCT systems from Siemens Healthcare. The new concept scanner, which combines cutting-edge CT technology with HD/PET, is Scotland’s fourth PETCT and will provide accurate investigative and cancer staging scans.
Ninewells Hospital, part of NHS Tayside, will be able to offer cancer staging scans to patients from further afield, accommodating patients from Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow.
“Biograph mCT is the world’s only PET system offering a uniform 2mm image resolution throughout the entire field of view,” states Siemens.
“By providing combined information on the metabolic functions of the body and the patient’s anatomy, diseased tissue can be more accurately located, ensuring the patient receives the most appropriate treatment.”
Due to its dual functionality, the mCT can be used as a molecular CT or as a standalone CT scanner. Researchers from the University of Dundee will use the system for pure CT during upcoming research projects.
See this report on page 14 of the June 2010 issue of RAD Magazine.