Western General installs CT for faster neuro scans

At Edinburgh’s Western General Hospital, with a Somatom Definition AS+ CT from Siemens Healthcare, are specialist radiographer Ann Winter, consultant neuroradiologist Dr David Summers, radiography team leader Lesley McKinlay and Siemens Healthcare regional sales manager Jim Donald.
Western General Hospital in Edinburgh, part of NHS Lothian’s University Hospitals Division, has installed a Somatom Definition AS+ CT from Siemens Healthcare and ordered syngo.via imaging software for rapid multi-modality clinical image reporting.
The system is being used for neuroimaging, neuro perfusion, neuro intervention, spinal work, angiography and body scanning of the pelvis, head and neck.
Since the installation, the system’s intervention package has enabled radiologists to visualise more than one image plane at a time and provided the necessary detail for direct control of needle positions.
See the full report on page 20 of the July 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.