Adaptable x-ray rooms help challenging A&E examinations




Jane Robinson of Philips UKI, senior radiographer Clare Spinney, trainee reporting radiographer Tracey Tuskin, radiographer Marco Armbruster, advanced practice reporting radiographer and lead paediatric radiographer Lindsey Goswell, x-ray superintendent radiographer Michael Cox and ED lead/reporting radiographer Cheryl Patrick.

Poole Hospital has invested in two new digital x-ray systems for use in its A&E department, selecting Philips DigitalDiagnost HP high performance wireless room and DigitalDiagnost HP Flex version. Both rooms cover a wide range of radiography examinations, with the high performance wireless room also being used for paediatric studies.

X-ray superintendent radiographer Michael Cox said: “I am very pleased with the Philips DR rooms due to the flexibility, ease of use and image quality. When undertaking challenging examinations in emergency radiology, the rooms allow you to fully adapt to the requirements of trauma patients – using either the railed vertical detector or the freedom of the air detector plates.

“In the high performance wireless room, the paediatric decor has been a real talking-point with our patients, enhancing the friendliness of the equipment and improving the patient experience.”

See the full report on page 24 of the June 2018 issue of RAD Magazine.


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