Cheltenham receives programmable respiratory motion phantom for 4D QA

Oncology Systems Limited (OSL) is celebrating the 25th delivery of the QUASAR programmable respiratory motion phantom (pRESP) in the UK and Ireland.

Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust procured the pRESP for Cheltenham General Hospital via NHS Supply Chain after testing OSL’s demonstration pRESP on its CT and linac machines.

“We are really pleased with our purchase of the pRESP motion phantom. Currently, we are using it for 4D quality assurance purposes on our CT scanner and will soon be commissioning gated delivery on our new linac, which will help with future SABR treatments,” said head of dosimetry Jason Brimelow. “The phantom is straightforward to use and easily transportable, allowing us to use it at our satellite centre in Hereford.”

The QUASAR pRESP is a programmable breathing and tumour motion simulator for end-to-end QA on motion-guided radiation therapy systems including CT, linac and PET.

“It has been a pleasure working with the team at Cheltenham and helping find a solution to aid their busy workflow. The team has been very welcoming, and I am delighted to present the team with a small token of our appreciation to celebrate the delivery of the 25th pRESP in the UK and Ireland,” said OSL clinical specialist Liane Evans.

Picture: OSL clinical specialist Liane Evans marks the 25th QUASAR delivery with a presentation of flowers to head of dosimetry Jason Brimelow, advanced practitioner Will Paget and clinical scientist Dominic Rafferty.

Published on page 9 of the December 2021 issue of RAD Magazine.

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