The system is demonstrated by Qados northern area sales representative Suzanne Gibbins to mammographer Val Williams.
The breast screening unit at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital in Shropshire has invested in a Faxitron DX-50 DC-3 digital specimen radiography system, supplied by Qados, for high resolution digital imaging of breast core biopsies.
The DX-50’s advanced digital imaging technology and intuitive, Dicom 3.0 compliant software deliver specimen radiographs within seconds.
Amanda Royle, superintendent radiographer at the Royal Shrewsbury, explained: “Our old Faxitron system finally needed replacing. The DC-3 system allows us to image specimens during the biopsy procedure, so that we can be sure that we are taking the biopsy from the right spot. We are looking for areas of calcification in the specimen and, once we are happy that the samples are adequate, we can finish the examination.”
See the full report on page 9 of the December 2010 issue of RAD Magazine.