Nuffield Health launches Signa Voyager scanner at Brentwood Hospital to deliver faster diagnostics

Nuffield Health’s Brentwood Hospital has installed the 1.5T 70cm wide bore Signa Voyager MRI system from GE HealthCare, equipped with RF coils and AI software. This technology will allow the hospital to increase appointments for NHS and private patients, as well as deliver superior image quality to support faster diagnostics and treatment for patients.

The Signa Voyager system is equipped with AIR Coils, as well as Deep Learning AI convolutional neural network reconstruction pipeline AIR Recon DL and Sonic DL. This combination of technology allows the team at Nuffield Health Brentwood to scan patients’ specific body parts in a more comfortable position in half the time. It is also said to be the first hospital in the Essex area to offer Sonic DL technology to enhance its cardiac imagery, resulting in 12 times faster scanning compared to more conventional technology, says GE HealthCare.

The addition will improve the hospital’s ability to treat a wide range of health conditions, including orthopaedic, neurological, abdominal, pelvic and prostate. It also enhances the capability of breast cancer screening at Nuffield Health Brentwood and expands services to explore new cardiac screening programmes, further developing its cardiology offering.

Health systems director at Nuffield Health Tracey Howson said: “Diagnostic tests are a vital part of care for many patients, often determining how quickly patients can access the treatment they urgently need. This breakthrough technology allows us to see more patients, deliver faster diagnoses and provide critical answers sooner, for both private and NHS patients. By increasing our capacity, we are actively reducing local waiting lists and speeding up access to essential treatment.”

Radiology manager Beverley Brett added: “For many, hospitals can be a daunting place and, combined with a potential unknown condition and subsequent treatments, this can exacerbate these feelings. The installation of the Signa Voyager MRI has not only allowed us to enhance our abilities in terms of diagnostics and treatments, reinstate much-needed screening services and explore new opportunities, but it has also allowed us to provide patients with a more comfortable and reassuring experience, which is invaluable for those who use our services.”

Radiology manager Beverley Brett, MRI lead radiographer Elsa Rossouw, lead radiographer Victoria Charlesworth and MRI radiographer Rani Bheemreddy.

Read this report on page 10 of the January 2025 issue of RAD Magazine.

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