Pioneering paramedics learn ultrasound skills

Faculty and workshop delegates at SECAmb headquarters
A pioneering project taken on by the South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SECAmb) is introducing point-of-care ultrasound into the skill sets of its critical care paramedics for certain well-defined emergency scenarios.
It has chosen eight SonoSite NanoMaxx ultrasound systems for the scheme and several critical care paramedics are enrolled on an intensive training programme.
Consultant in A&E at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Gateshead Dr Bob Jarman is supporting SECAmb as course director of the ultrasound workshops for the first group of paramedics.
He said: “I firmly believe that point-of-care ultrasound has a role to play in the hands of paramedics. However, it is only just establishing itself in emergency medicine and its exact role has not yet been clearly defined. The SECAmb scheme will go a long way to doing this and I am glad to have been involved.”
See the full report on page 18 of the December 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.