Professor Sir Bruce Keogh and Dr Erika Denton


Radiology services look set to be improved following an interventional radiology workshop held by NHS Medical Director for England Sir Bruce Keogh for medical directors, commissioners and managers to discuss the uneven provision of interventional radiology services across the country and how they can be improved.


The full-house event, hosted by NHS Improvement, saw the unveiling of the roadmap document ‘Interventional radiology: Improving quality and outcomes for patients’ which is now available on the DoH and NHS Improvement websites. 


This follows on from a project launched by Sir Bruce and Sir David Nicholson, and led by DoH national clinical director for imaging Dr Erica Denton, which explored barriers to the expansion of interventional radiology.


See this report on page 28 of the February 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.

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