Contrast enhanced ultrasound in abdominal trauma – a level one trauma centre experience

Author(s): Dr Bhavna Batohi, Dr Annamaria Deganello, Dr Maria Sellars, Professor Paul Sidhu

Hospital: King's College Hospital

Reference: RAD Magazine, 40, 468, 36-37


Contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) is now established and widely used in many clinical settings outside the licensed areas of hepatic, breast, cardiac and vascular applications. The use of CEUS in acute blunt abdominal trauma has been shown to be rapid, safe, cost-effective, diagnostically accurate and, although lacking the global imaging capabilities of computed tomography (CT), CEUS has no radiation exposure. However, in the follow-up of conservatively treated solid organ injuries CEUS is likely to become more acceptable in clinical practice, primarily in order to avoid radiation exposure in the young patient.

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