Study day for Scotland

Study Day group shows (front row, far left) Toshiba md Dr Matthew Stork and (far right) sales specialist for Scotland and the north Alan Wright. Top row, far left is ultrasound sales manager for the north Andrew Powell, and top row, far right applications specialist for Scotland the north Tracey Bellas.
Toshiba Medical Systems held a study day at the Norton House Hotel in Edinburgh for new purchasers of Aplio XG and Xario XG ultrasound systems.
Lothian Health Region has installed 11 of the premium systems at five different sites. Attendees at the study day came from Leith Community Hospital, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, St John’s Hospital at Howden, Forth Park Maternity Hospital and Crosshouse Hospital.
The day was divided into two parts to ensure that as many staff as possible could be present.
The guest speaker was Dr Graham Tydeman, consultant in obstetrics and gynaecology, who gave an amusing, informative and interactive presentation on fetal heart scanning. He used a model heart*, which he had designed himself, that was cut into scan plane sections to help identification of the anatomy.
Applications staff from Toshiba provided training, including hands-on tuition for all. In addition, Dr Matthew Stork, managing director of Toshiba Medical Systems attended to give his personal thanks to customers.
*The sectional Fetal Heart Model can be ordered online at
See this report on page 32 of the September 2009 issue of RAD Magazine.