Users preview treatment planning update

Philips Healthcare applications specialist radiotherapy Gregory Perkins helps oversee the meeting.

Philips Healthcare hosted its annual Pinnacle3 User Meeting for physicists, dosimetrists and radiographers at the Scarman Conference Centre in the grounds of the University of Warwick, Coventry.  The event focused on developments in radiotherapy treatment planning using Pinnacle3 and attracted nearly sixty delegates.

Spread over two days, it included clinical presentations and hands-on treatment planning workshops.  Day one focused on the theme ‘integrating oncology’, where the streamlined integration of the Philips suite of imaging products with the Pinnacle treatment planning system was showcased and demonstrated.  This included Tumor Loc, a virtual simulation module on the Brilliance Big Bore CT scanner, creating a common platform for imaging and treatment planning workflows, as well as the Ingenia MR-RT, a solution for MR simulation with modules for MR-only treatment planning.

See the full report on page 18 of the March 2016 issue of RAD Magazine.

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