First anniversary for Christie at Oldham


With a Philips Brilliance Big Bore CT simulator at The Christie at Oldham are, from left, superintendent radiographer pre-treatment Melissa Woodward, senior radiographer Charlotte Patchett, Philips Healthcare CT applications specialist Amy Pedvin, senior radiographer Kelly Holt and Philips account manager, DIS, north west England Steve Oliver.


The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, has celebrated the first anniversary of the opening of The Christie at Oldham.  It is the first stage of a 10-year vision to bring cancer treatment closer to the community.  


Said to be the first network of its kind in the UK, it will be followed by the opening of The Christie at Salford radiotherapy centre later this year. 


Philips Healthcare is providing Brilliance Big Bore CT simulators for both radiotherapy centres and the main Christie radiotherapy department, along with AcQSim clinical virtual simulation systems.  


See the full report on page 40 of the May 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.

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