DR retrofit allows affordable modernisation

Clinical radiology manager Stephen Ackers, clinical tutor Nicola Marlow, radiographer Niall Rowlands, senior radiographer Tom Leyland and Agfa HealthCare imaging business development manager Chris Heys.

Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust has implemented Agfa HealthCare’s DR Retrofit direct radiography solutions at three of its sites.

“As part of our radiology modernisation, Agfa’s DR Retrofit helps us provide top level care in a timely way to our patients,” said clinical radiology manager Stephen Ackers.

“With the retrofit, we were able to replace about 80 per cent of our CR equipment.  Alongside the technical benefits of the upgrade, ambient noise has been reduced and space freed up, enabling us to repurpose spaces for further benefit to our patients and department.”

See the full report on page 2 of the July 2018 issue of RAD Magazine.

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