Additions enable a successful cardiac CT service

At Arrowe Park Hospital are Toshiba account executive CT/MR/X-ray Carl McMullen, radiology manager Jenny O’Connor, clinical director for radiology Dr Simon Lea, CT superintendent radiographer Susan Halligan, CT radiographer Jane Carruthers and health care assistant Chris Pennington.
Arrowe Park Hospital, part of Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, has invested in two Toshiba CT scanners, expanding its CT imaging facilities to three systems.
An Aquilion CX replaced an existing four-slice system and an Aquilion 64 is a new system in the A&E department. Both systems have cardiac capability so that Arrowe Park is now able to run a cardiac CT service as well as an A&E CT service for trauma.
Consultant radiologist Dr Yvonne Jones said “Our new Toshiba scanners have allowed us to launch our cardiac CT service, which has been a great success. The image quality has really exceeded our expectations.”
See the full report on page 28 of the February 2012 issue of RAD Magazine.