Baby ear defenders are slim enough to be worn with 32 channel head coil

MR-safe baby ear muffs

Wardray Premise Limited’s range now includes MR-safe baby ear muffs/defenders suitable from newborn up to the age of 18 months. Adult versions are suitable for a grown-up accompanying a patient having an MRI scan, or when staff need to reduce background noise.

The new baby ear defenders are smaller, lightweight at 115g and slim enough to be worn with a 32 channel headcoil. They have been tested in a 3.0T facility with no artefacts. In addition, they meet European safety standards.

The children’s ear defenders offer a noise reduction ratio of 22dB and are classed as MR safe in accordance with the ASTM standards. Customers can purchase packs of hygienic headset covers for use between patients. They have a washable and changeable stretchy fabric headband for comfort and easy cleaning. These are available to purchase separately.

These products are in addition to Wardray’s range of MR-safe headphones used with the company’s Puresound III Audio relaxation system.

Picture: The stretchy headband is washable and changeable.

Published on page 2 of the September 2019 issue of RAD Magazine.

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