Comfort of system helps patients stay still to improve image quality

MRI/neuroradiology head of department Beverly Hudson is on the table demonstrating the Pearltec positioning system, with Wolverson X-ray regional sales manager Gurpal Matharu, imaging assistant Stevie-Jo Foster and senior MRI radiographer Sonja Castle.

Staff at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, report that set up times have dropped since the installation of a Pearltec multipad positioning system, delivered by Wolverson X-ray.

The system for patient immobilisation is said to greatly improve image quality in MRI and CT scans.  Easy to use inflatable pads ensure patient comfort, while optional disposable covers over the pads ensure good hygiene and quick preparation for the next patient.  Once inflated they offer firm immobilisation to prevent motion artefacts.

MRI/neuroradiology head of department Beverly Hudson said: “The positioning system has proved to be a real asset in our MRI department, especially with head scanning.  Image quality has been further improved through helping patients to keep very still and it helps to combat some of the MRI noise.”

See the full report on page 2 of the September 2015 issue of RAD Magazine.

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