Partnership link boosts mammography services

North Central London NHS chief executive Rachel Tyndall talks with actress and local resident Michelle Collins about the new digital mammography unit.
NHS organisations across London joined forces to boost mammography facilities at The Whittington Hospital NHS Trust provided by medical equipment services company Asteral.
The new equipment will be a Hologic Selenia FFDM from MIS to significantly improve image quality and enable a more efficient workflow.
The equipment will complement the existing mammography unit provided by Asteral, which includes a prone table for symptomatic work with the new equipment operating as a dedicated screening unit.
As well as providing the equipment and ongoing maintenance Asteral also refurbished the room that houses the new equipment.
General manager for access, diagnostics services and planned care Jon Green from The Whittington Hospital NHS Trust, said “This is great example of partnership working to bring real benefits for patients.
“We at The Whittington have come together with Islington PCT and the Central East London Breast Screening Service based at Barts and the London NHS Trust to provide screening services to patients in a modern fixed location.”
See the full report on page 21 of the August 2010 issue of RAD Magazine.