Swift installation reduces disruption at Grantham

At Grantham and District Hospital are radiographer Alex Hira, radiology services manager Peter Milne, radiographer James Gardiner and student radiographer from Sheffield Hallam University Gemma Torley.


To keep disruption at Grantham and District Hospital to a minimum, a Toshiba Radrex radiographic system was installed in the radiology department in the shortest possible time.  


The Radrex general purpose Bucky system is designed to be installed where space is at a premium, efficiently and swiftly. 


Radiology services manager Peter Milne said: “The equipment was selected following an evaluation exercise which looked at the equipment cost, ease-of-use and ability to upgrade to digital status.   It replaced an old general x-ray unit.”


A 200-bed acute hospital, for the Trent region, Grantham and District Hospital has undergone a substantial capital development programme over recent years.


See the full report on page 7 of the June 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.

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