InHealth managing director of diagnostic services Matthew Stork, Toshiba Medical Systems account manager CT/MR/x-ray Barnaby Harrison, radiography department assistants Jean Frost and Alison Seadon, Stoke City football club manager Mark Hughes, senior radiographer Debbie Lightfoot, InHealth imaging services manager Richard Williams, InHealth radiography department assistant Lesley Hunter and head of operations Graham Ogden.
Nuffield Health North Staffordshire Hospital has installed a Toshiba Aquilion Prime CT scanner in a £2.3 million diagnostics suite that was officially opened by Stoke City football club manager Mark Hughes. The new facility in Newcastle-under-Lyne was delivered by a partnership between Nuffield Health and InHealth.
Hospital director Ann Brunt said: “We are hoping this is the beginning of a fundamental transformation of our hospital. As a team, we are already working towards the next step in our development, including the creation of an ambulatory and oncology suite, which demonstrates that we are constantly looking at ways to improve our facilities. It will also help us to support the care of NHS patients through working with key partners such as local clinical commissioning groups.”
See the full report on page 4 of the November 2016 issue of RAD Magazine.