Sectra to supply NHS Scotland enterprise imaging SaaS

Sectra One Cloud

Healthcare professionals in Scotland are to benefit from an agreement that will see a cloud-based enterprise imaging service delivered across 15 NHS boards by Sectra. The agreement with NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) will provide tools to support healthcare teams as they review and report on around five million radiology examinations a year.

Sectra One Cloud, a fully managed software as a service (SaaS), will be used by all of Scotland’s 14 territorial NHS boards and by NHS Golden Jubilee, which also hosts the Scottish National Radiology Reporting Service. The organisations will use radiology, breast imaging and orthopaedics modules available through the enterprise imaging service.

Implementation will involve the migration of more than 55 million radiology studies to a single instance of Sectra’s enterprise imaging service.

NSS chief executive Mary Morgan said: “Our new partnership with Sectra will provide Scotland’s NHS radiology teams with an enterprise imaging service that will support our professionals as they deliver efficient and effective diagnoses for patients. The service creates additional potential to support the direction set out in the new Scotland Radiology Model and opens up further possibilities around enhanced cross-site working.”

Published on page 21 of the January 2024 issue of RAD Magazine.

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