In the back row are North Bristol Trust assistant radiology service manager Helen Bromwich, cross site lead for general radiography Rosemary Bowden, Philips key account manager Jane Robinson, radiographer Rosie Segger, superintendent radiographer Margaret Aspbury, radiographer Enstia Bisetto, Philips district general manager Rob Davies and Philips service delivery manager John Tay. Seated in front are radiographers Teresa Smith, Kirstie Williams, Allan Noel and Claire Pitman with Philips project manager Cath Sellwood.
Southmead Hospital in Bristol has replaced an analogue x-ray system with a Philips DigitalDiagnost. The general purpose room, which is an interim solution until a new £430m super hospital opens its doors in 2014, represents the department’s first digital radiography system.
The dual-detector system is designed to accommodate a high number of patients and a wide variety of applications. The two detectors make it easy to switch from table to chest examinations and, by using the wireless detector as an additional detector, further expands the range of applications.
Southmead Hospital is part of North Bristol NHS Trust, which provides hospital and community healthcare to the residents of Bristol, south Gloucestershire and north Somerset.
See the full report on page 30 of the December 2010 issue of RAD Magazine.